Exim statistics from 2025-01-24 00:03:04 to 2025-02-05 07:03:01

Grand total summary

TOTALVolumeMessagesAddressesHostsAt least one addr
At least one addr
Received3074MB1833551181704 0.9%1393 0.8%

Deliveries by Transport

remote_smtp 50261

Messages received per hour (each dot is 189 messages)

00-01   7243 ......................................
01-02   8024 ..........................................
02-03   7449 .......................................
03-04   7108 .....................................
04-05   7524 .......................................
05-06   7796 .........................................
06-07   7941 ..........................................
07-08   7965 ..........................................
08-09   7546 .......................................
09-10   6539 ..................................
10-11   7618 ........................................
11-12   7298 ......................................
12-13   6999 .....................................
13-14   6889 ....................................
14-15   7391 .......................................
15-16   9457 ..................................................
16-17   7794 .........................................
17-18   8254 ...........................................
18-19   8199 ...........................................
19-20   8014 ..........................................
20-21   8044 ..........................................
21-22   7960 ..........................................
22-23   7887 .........................................
23-24   6416 .................................

Deliveries per hour (each dot is 183 deliveries)

00-01   7223 .......................................
01-02   8002 ...........................................
02-03   7430 ........................................
03-04   7088 ......................................
04-05   7502 ........................................
05-06   7776 ..........................................
06-07   7921 ...........................................
07-08   7961 ...........................................
08-09   7545 .........................................
09-10   6539 ...................................
10-11   7616 .........................................
11-12   7300 .......................................
12-13   6999 ......................................
13-14   6889 .....................................
14-15   6823 .....................................
15-16   7243 .......................................
16-17   9163 ..................................................
17-18   8234 ............................................
18-19   8178 ............................................
19-20   7996 ...........................................
20-21   8021 ...........................................
21-22   7940 ...........................................
22-23   7866 ..........................................
23-24   6394 ..................................

Time spent on the queue: all messages

TimeMessagesPercentageCumulative Percentage
Under 1m181476 99.1% 99.1%
5m173 0.1% 99.2%
30m2 0.0% 99.2%
3h1390 0.8%100.0%
Over 1d1 0.0%100.0%

Time spent on the queue: messages with at least one remote delivery

TimeMessagesPercentageCumulative Percentage
Under 1m1100.0%100.0%

Relayed messages

No relayed messages

Top 50 mail rejection reasons by message count

MessagesMail rejection reason
4680Rejected RCPT: Rejected for too many bad recipients
601Rejected RCPT: relay not permitted
59Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1282
36Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1685
30Dropped: too many syntax or protocol errors
24Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1176
21Dropped: too many unrecognized commands
19Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1074
13Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1392
12Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1828
11Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1262
8Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1564
8Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1702
7Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1008
6Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 2118
5Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1276
5Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1349
4Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1059
4Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1196
4Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1236
4Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1368
3Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1009
3Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1175
3Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1195
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1042
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1184
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1191
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1227
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1231
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1258
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1309
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1372
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1382
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1401
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1438
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1687
2Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1726
2Message too big
1Failed to expand ACL string "X-Spam_flag: $spam_flag": unknown variable name "spam_flag"
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1020
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1029
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1033
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1053
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1076
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1090
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1110
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1129
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1133
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1140
1Maximum allowed line length is 998 octets, got 1142

Top 50 sending hosts by message count

MessagesBytesAverageSending host
1716802216MB 1026photon.trudheim.com
4771 720MB 155KBlocal
2771 35MB 13KBdebian.trudheim.com
2762 34MB 13KBphotonic.trudheim.com
6676110KB 9380bendel.debian.org
2357057KB 30KBbastion-iad01.fedoraproject.org
1401399KB 10KBtalvi.dovecot.org
35 698KB 20KBus-smtp-delivery-124.mimecast.com
32 241KB 7712second.openwall.net
30 398KB 13KBhr1.samba.org
21 117KB 5705cumin.exim.org
18 45MB2560KBlocalhost
12 258KB 22KBmailly.debian.org
8 58KB 7424muffat.debian.org
7 74KB 11KB(renderseteglantine.com)
7 66KB 9654mitropoulos.debian.org
5 140KB 28KBo1.email.postnord.com
4 298KB 75KBmail-lj1-x22b.google.com
4 271KB 68KBmail-lf1-x136.google.com
4 230KB 58KB(trudheim-xwiki)
4 152KB 38KBmail-lf1-x12a.google.com
4 150KB 38KBst43p00im-ztbu10073601.me.com
4 66KB 17KBus-smtp-delivery-204.mimecast.com
4 19KB 4864am.mirrors.kernel.org
3 428KB 143KBst43p00im-ztfb10061701.me.com
3 261KB 87KBmail-lj1-x22e.google.com
3 189KB 63KBmail-pj1-x1034.google.com
3 77KB 26KBst43p00im-zteg10062001.me.com
3 41KB 14KB(hr1.samba.org)
3 32KB 11KB(yandexpp.com)
3 19KB 6485secretaria07g.construcano.cfd
2 486KB 243KBst43p00im-ztdg10063201.me.com
2 401KB 201KBst43p00im-zteg10063401.me.com
2 175KB 88KBst43p00im-ztdg10073201.me.com
2 168KB 84KBmail-lj1-x230.google.com
2 166KB 83KBst43p00im-zteg10073501.me.com
2 165KB 83KBmail-lj1-x235.google.com
2 146KB 73KBmail-lj1-x22c.google.com
2 114KB 57KBmail-pl1-x632.google.com
2 109KB 55KBst43p00im-zteg10072001.me.com
2 86KB 43KBmail-lf1-x12b.google.com
2 84KB 42KBmail-lj1-x236.google.com
2 82KB 41KBst43p00im-ztbu10073701.me.com
2 58KB 29KBmail-wr1-x433.google.com
2 58KB 29KBmail-wm1-x336.google.com
2 25KB 13KBmail-ej1-x632.google.com
2 21KB 11KB(otto.de)
2 14KB 7168postman.unikum.net
2 9802 4901sv.mirrors.kernel.org
1 396KB 396KBst43p00im-ztfb10073301.me.com

Top 50 sending hosts by volume

MessagesBytesAverageSending host
1716802216MB 1026photon.trudheim.com
4771 720MB 155KBlocal
18 45MB2560KBlocalhost
2771 35MB 13KBdebian.trudheim.com
2762 34MB 13KBphotonic.trudheim.com
2357057KB 30KBbastion-iad01.fedoraproject.org
6676110KB 9380bendel.debian.org
1401399KB 10KBtalvi.dovecot.org
35 698KB 20KBus-smtp-delivery-124.mimecast.com
2 486KB 243KBst43p00im-ztdg10063201.me.com
3 428KB 143KBst43p00im-ztfb10061701.me.com
2 401KB 201KBst43p00im-zteg10063401.me.com
30 398KB 13KBhr1.samba.org
1 396KB 396KBst43p00im-ztfb10073301.me.com
4 298KB 75KBmail-lj1-x22b.google.com
4 271KB 68KBmail-lf1-x136.google.com
3 261KB 87KBmail-lj1-x22e.google.com
12 258KB 22KBmailly.debian.org
32 241KB 7712second.openwall.net
4 230KB 58KB(trudheim-xwiki)
3 189KB 63KBmail-pj1-x1034.google.com
2 175KB 88KBst43p00im-ztdg10073201.me.com
2 168KB 84KBmail-lj1-x230.google.com
2 166KB 83KBst43p00im-zteg10073501.me.com
2 165KB 83KBmail-lj1-x235.google.com
4 152KB 38KBmail-lf1-x12a.google.com
4 150KB 38KBst43p00im-ztbu10073601.me.com
2 146KB 73KBmail-lj1-x22c.google.com
5 140KB 28KBo1.email.postnord.com
1 128KB 128KBmail-westeuropeazlp170110003.outbound.protection.outlook.com
1 126KB 126KBmail-db5eur02lp20208.outbound.protection.outlook.com
1 124KB 124KBmail-vi1eur05lp2168.outbound.protection.outlook.com
21 117KB 5705cumin.exim.org
2 114KB 57KBmail-pl1-x632.google.com
2 109KB 55KBst43p00im-zteg10072001.me.com
1 105KB 105KBmail-pj1-x102d.google.com
1 102KB 102KBmta-253-222-66.icabanken.se.sparkpostmail.com
1 95KB 95KBmail-lf1-x12f.google.com
2 86KB 43KBmail-lf1-x12b.google.com
2 84KB 42KBmail-lj1-x236.google.com
1 83KB 83KBmail7918.mail.ica.se
1 82KB 82KBmail-pj1-x102b.google.com
2 82KB 41KBst43p00im-ztbu10073701.me.com
3 77KB 26KBst43p00im-zteg10062001.me.com
1 77KB 77KBmail-pl1-x629.google.com
1 76KB 76KBmail-lj1-x229.google.com
1 75KB 75KBmail-pj1-x1035.google.com
1 75KB 75KBmail-lj1-x22a.google.com
1 74KB 74KBmail-lj1-x22f.google.com
1 74KB 74KBmail-lj1-x231.google.com

Top 50 local senders by message count

MessagesBytesAverageLocal sender
20129055KB 4608sirius
1392 16MB 12KBDebian-exim
1182 295MB 256KBroot
171 400MB2395KBlogcheck
14 131KB 9581news

Top 50 local senders by volume

MessagesBytesAverageLocal sender
171 400MB2395KBlogcheck
1182 295MB 256KBroot
1392 16MB 12KBDebian-exim
20129055KB 4608sirius
14 131KB 9581news

Top 50 host destinations by message count

MessagesAddressesBytesAverageHost destination
1816481816482993MB 5455local
11 5026 5026feedback-smtp.us-west-2.amazonses.com

Top 50 host destinations by volume

MessagesAddressesBytesAverageHost destination
1816481816482993MB 5455local
11 5026 5026feedback-smtp.us-west-2.amazonses.com

Top 50 local destinations by message count

MessagesAddressesBytesAverageLocal destination
1704961704962198MB 922sirius-lists
1100311003 781MB 73KBsirius
115115 13MB 116KBspam
34341004KB 30KBham

Top 50 local destinations by volume

MessagesAddressesBytesAverageLocal destination
1704961704962198MB 922sirius-lists
1100311003 781MB 73KBsirius
115115 13MB 116KBspam
34341004KB 30KBham

Top 50 rejected ips by message count

MessagesRejected ip